The name “Fiaker” for the popular Viennese horse-drawn carriage is derived indirectly from Saint Fiacre. The Hôtel de Saint Fiacre in Paris rented carriages from about the middle of the seventeenth century.

The number of fiakers changes during time. In 1700 there were about 700 horse-drawn carriages in Vienna. In the best period from 1860 to 1900, there were over 1000 carriages. But, in 2008, there were more than 140 fiaker carriages.
Fiaker in Vienna is one of the beloved tourist attractions. Now, due to the corona pandemic, the fiakers have a tough time to survive.
“Of course, we are disappointed with the situation, but we are hoping for better days,” – says the lady at Schönbrunn castle.
Since 1984 there are also female coachmen at the Viennese Fiakern.
Where you can “catch” a Fiaker?
There are several stands at Stephansplatz, Heldenplatz, Michaelerplatz, and Petersplatz, as well as at the Burgtheater.
The short tour ca 20 min. through the Old City costs €55. The grand tour ca 40 min. along the Ring Road and through the Old City costs €80.
With “Fiaker” traditional Viennese horse-drawn carriage You can also take a ride at the Central cemetery and Schönbrunn castle.
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